One day in class I decided to write short creative pieces in Elven, and most of them seemed to work as part of one world and about the same character. When my English teacher wanted us to write a 15-minute explode piece (15 minutes in a world, and make it detailed enough to last about a page and a half), I thought that seemed like what I’d been doing with my short pieces, so I used the same character. I gave them a name — Aphelion –, and wrote several more segments of her story over the next months. I’m still working on it, and it’s nice that I can work in short bursts as inspiration comes since I’m not writing in chronological order.
Aphelion is a girl with a kind of dark magic that she somehow received one night. She was eventually drawn into a war because of it, but she has her chosen family to help her.
Stars To Me
Considering Autumn
That Night
Chronological order:
That Night
Considering Autumn
Stars To Me
Recommended age: 15+
Aphelion on Wattpad